Saturday, 17 November 2007

Gah, RL

Yeah, I suddenly have 2 RL jobs, so I'm barely in SL at the moment.

I'll return with a vengeance, mind, once the new year comes round and i can sort my time out better.

But for the meantime, you might seldom see a Tri. Sorriez, folkses.

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Tri Is Lazy + New Catsuits

Yes, Tri is lazy.

I may be pretty industrious, but then I go doing daft stuff like not announcing new stuff on the ol' blog.

So, this week's goodies so far are my Sidestriped Catsuits - an element of prototype of the uniforms I did for the Latex Dolls. They're stupidly carefully rendered and handfinished, complete with realistic wrinkly zones, and a very sci-fi stripe up the side. Available in 5 colours. Well, 3 colours and 2 monochromes. I do love my monochrome.

Speaking of monochrome, the Dark Princess outfit I recently did is also worth a mention, because I totally forgot to blog it. It's a nice combo of various black shiny stuff, with a cape and flowy primskirts. I was wearing it about, not thinking of it as an outfit design, but it was much-requested nonetheless... Check it out at my shop.

Tri is also lazy because she neglects to put new stuff on Slexchange very often too, so keep an eye inworld for all the latest - it only hits slex 5 or so items at a time.

Camdeath = oh noes!

The horror! The very horror!

I was out the other night trying to get some shots from obscure angles, and one of them involved lying flat on my back with camera perched on me - but even with the wriststrap, I somehow fumbled it, and it fell a mere 3 inches over my shoulder, and.... cracked the screen.

And no camera, no texturous SL products. Oh Noes!

So, gottdammerung, I've had to spend a good week and a half of SL income on a new one, which is lovely, but tooootally not in affordability land right about now.

So! Good news = I'll be doing more SL stuff, and some of the RL-textured architecture I've been considering, to compensate.

Bad news = I'm way poor for a while now, so I've put out a camera-shaped tip jar, a replica of its dead twin, in my skyboxshop.

Y'all know what to do ;)

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Movin' on

Sigh. Well, if RL wants to be crap to me, may as well get busy in SL...

To that end, I'm introducing affiliate vendors for my Pawprint Vendors, and my Corsetry Vendors.
If you've got a SLshop, club, or whatever, then grab yourself a Trilo affiliate vendor and make yourself (and me) some L$!

Admittedly, they're not free (just to make sure nobody covers SL with them) but they are damn cheap.

Here they are on SLexchange...
Pawprint Vendor
Corset Vendor
Corset Vendor with underbusts only

So, go grab one, at slex or in my skybox, and get us rich! There must be a load of furry malls that could do with a pawprint vendor...

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Emo Tri

Tri is all messed up, depressed and heartbroken this month, because RL has turned upon its head, and nothing is any longer as it seems.

I need to go let my alter ego go live RL for a while. Doesn't mean I won't be inworld, and working, but if I'm distant and strange... well, you know why now.

/me sighs

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

4 New Corsets in one day

It's been a busy texturing day! I've been making corsets again, and this time, I've made underbust & overbust latex ones, and underbust & overbust in a faintly spanishy style I'm calling bolero.

There'll be lots of new stuff coming soon, too, since I've got my technique down and I managed to make these four in one day...

Go Hyperproductivity!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

New Circuit Catsuit & Dress

I've been a-doing cloning in Modo, and now the fruits of that labour are beggining to ripen.

Today's new product is a seamless dress and catsuit of circuitry, with 3 skirts and a rather egyptian-looking necklace, which is, incidentally, particle accelerator curcuitry!

I was intending to make a huge slew of 8(ish) new corsets this week, but as the RL rain never lets up when I have outdoor plans, It's just gonna have to be on the coming weekend, or sometime very soon.

Keep an eye out!

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

/me returns

Yay! Now I've finished moving (RL) house.

I may not have set my full SL studio up yet, and I may be living on borrowed wifi, but Trilobiteware is very much back in business.

Coming this week*: at least 5 new corsets from RL, some latexy clothing, and maybe some more furskins. Depending on how my sculpting powers progress, there might be some interesting cyber-type wearables, too.

But for the meantime, bear with me inworld, I'll be pretty crashy 'til my own internet supply comes...

*or at least soon, depending on how SL behaves after this week's downtime

Blogged with Flock

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Movin' On

I'm moving house this week. RL, not SL. So I'll not be very inworld, 'til the internet is all ordered - I'll be able to leech friendly local wifi, but not often or for extended periods.

So, back in about a week...

Blogged with Flock

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Collar featured in Machinima

Yes, I've had one of my collars featured in a little movie at Metaverse Messenger's Fashion Angels blog.

...What's more, a Tank Girl themed one!

Linky Linky:

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The Story So Far

I fell blundering into Second Life roughly a year ago. As an arena of user-defined content, mostly for aesthetic or frivolous means, it amused me greatly as a concept.

It wasn't until I was in there that I discovered how fully people live out their second lives, how valuable interpersonal relationships can be formed in a video game (esque) format, and, of course, the opportunities for a design/art/game geek like m'self.

So, on the first day of flexiprims, I made some hair, a tail, some skirts and a buch of other swishy stuff. At the behest of others, I made a few little one-prim vendypanels to sell them. Then I downloaded the avatar templates, raided Ebay for a few hi-rez dress photos, and racked up a little polka-dot number. Once these all began to make their initial small sales, I saw the possibilities of working in SL.

Those hairdos, tails and that very dress are still going strong, making the odd sale now and again, despite the quality of my recent wares wildly outstripping them.

So these days, I make primmy attachments, scripted gizmos, clothes, and the occassional bit of kink. This weekend I'm moving house and setting up a little multi-cpu SL studio, where I'll be developing new goods with renewed fervour until either I get rich, SL changes its nature, or both.

I'll be blogging new developments & products here, as well as, well, posting whatever I fancy.

Best, and weirdest, job I ever had. I tip my hat to all of you who've bought my stuff and made it all possible.

Blogged with Flock

The TriloBlog begins

Since I've been in SL for over a year now, it's clearly time to start a blog.

I make so much random SL stuff that it's rapidly turning into a full-time job; so this blog is going to document what I'm up to, and my wares.

Expect minor perviness, but nothing obscene...
Don't forget what metaverse I'm working in, now.