I was out the other night trying to get some shots from obscure angles, and one of them involved lying flat on my back with camera perched on me - but even with the wriststrap, I somehow fumbled it, and it fell a mere 3 inches over my shoulder, and.... cracked the screen.
And no camera, no texturous SL products. Oh Noes!
So, gottdammerung, I've had to spend a good week and a half of SL income on a new one, which is lovely, but tooootally not in affordability land right about now.
So! Good news = I'll be doing more SL stuff, and some of the RL-textured architecture I've been considering, to compensate.
Bad news = I'm way poor for a while now, so I've put out a camera-shaped tip jar, a replica of its dead twin, in my skyboxshop.
Y'all know what to do ;)
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