I used to be a busy busy vendor, and due to running around renting every vending spot possible about 2 years ago, I got my foot very much in SL's door. But these days, I'm making more and more stuff, in more and more detail, busied with my facebook apps (hell yeah) and about to begin testing the mysterious Viddycutter, which you'll all hear about soon... All that stuff makes a gal not want to bother with renting vending space.
So it was clearly time to let you guys sell my stuff for me! If you've ever invited me to your mall, grab a fistful of my vendors instead, chances are you'll make more L$ than you'd have been charging in rent!
Now almost all my products are available in affiliate vendors for you to rez in your own mall/club/whatever. As before, they take no setup - just rez and they'll run.
I was already offering affil vendors for my pawprints, my catsuits, and my corsets - but I've added two new vendors:
One contains clothes I've made since mid 2007 - so basically all my best bits. Since there's always a fetishy edge to my stuff, I've called it my FetCouture vendor, and it'll grease its owner's palm with 20% of all sales.
And one for my pony related stuff, which gives its owner 10%.
Products in these vendors are priced up to 2000L$ ...so that's still pretty good cut!
I decided not to make the percentages too high, mainly because I'd rather these vendors went in places they'll do well, instead of being spammed about all over the place and cheapening my good name!
They're not available on slex quite yet, but they're about to be. For now, pop on down to my shop and grab a few. They're all 10L$, and whenever I make new items for these categories, these vendors too will contain them.