Yeah, I exist in SL again!
Happy new year; it's always round this time of year that I have a surge of productivity, in and out of SL, and this year's looking like no exception.
New this week are the Shadow Ensemble and the Snowflake Ensemble, both intricately detailed and made form all-new clothing layers, with plenty of new primwear too. They're the long-awaited and oft-requested second versions of the ones I did a little over a year and a half ago... Time flies, and seems I'm playing version numbering with old favourites.
Also available is one big fat set containing all my corsetry, hundreds of items, and at its current price (I'll keep adding corsets to it and raising the price a little) it's a saving of 1500L$. Would have been pretty cunning of me to have released it before christmas though, huh?